Pila winter season

The winter season will begin, if the snow conditions allow it, on Saturday, November 30th, 2024 and will end on Sunday, April 13th, 2025.

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The winter season opening and closing operational periods is unquestionable and decided by management depending on climatic conditions, the state of the ski runs, the amount of snow and the skiing facilties maintenance technical requirements. Therefore confirmation or variation of the opening/closing dates can be communicated only in a short time before the foreseen dates.

In Pila the winter is high “Skiability”

The most protected of the Alps, Pila is in a natural valley that protects it from winds and adverse weather: skiers come from all over Aosta Valley when weather conditions make it difficult for snow lovers. Pila is at 1800 meters s.l.m and develops its own slopes up to 2700, a elevation that together with the powerful artificial snow system guarantees a lot of snow, even in dry years.

Choose your hotel


Choose the accommodation that fits your needs and the type of stay you prefer