Ski schools
over 130 ski instructors specialised in all disciplines
Would you like to slip more quickly between the giant slalom poles or snake through the slalom gates with only millimetres to spare? To turn perfectly every time or to just have fun with snowblades? To be initiated into the mysteries of the surfboard or go back to the telemark style from which skiing began?
to meet all your needs.
In Pila you’ll find 2 ski schools with ski instructors ready to teach you all you need to know about everything people do on the snow.
Pila’s Ski schools arrange individual lessons, courses for groups and lessons for racers as well as guided ski. Special rates are charged for families. Leading-edge methods are used. The use of video films during the lessons is once more a possibility, high technology offers to improve your style; the instructor will have the opportunity to correct your mistakes and show you how well you are getting on.
For more information visit the ski schools pages and contact them directly: