Eco Day & Clean Up Tour

29 June 2024 at 09:00

Eco-day in partnership with Clean-up Tour Italia

Come and discover yours and our true nature!

We inaugurate the summer season with an ecological initiative to get closer to our true nature: an ecological day to together clean up the mountain pastures and paths from plastic and paper residues, protect the animals, insects and plants that live here and make it even more beautiful our views.

A wonderful opportunity to protect our mountains and teach children how the contribution of each of us is fundamental and can make a difference.

In collaboration with the Summit Foundation which is launching the Clean-Up Tour 2024, the day includes the meeting of the participants at 9.30 am in Pila at the picnic area at the arrival of the cable car, where the collection materials will be delivered. The volunteers will travel on foot and with equipment to the various areas, even at high altitudes, to collect rubbish and other materials that they find along the way.

Lunch at 1.00 pm will be offered to all participants by the Proloco of Gressan at the Plan bois hotel in Pila.

Starter Pack provided by Summit Foundation: gloves, bags, pliers and gadgets. A nice final surprise for all participants!

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